How do I make a booking from my package?

  1. Log in to the “My Appointments” section
  1. Click the active package; the remaining number of slots that are available for booking is displayed
  1. Click the Book button
  1. You will be redirected to the separate Appointment Booking page (important). First, choose the clinic location that you like to visit.
  1. Next, the available day and time slots for your chosen location will be displayed. Please choose the preferred day and available time slot, and then press Book to proceed.
  1. Your information will be auto-filled (as a way to indicate that you have logged in). Please update the personal fields, if needed and the required fields for the appointment.
  1. A summary of the appointment will be displayed. If you have an active package, no payment is required on the payment checkout.
  1. An active package (or the one with the nearest expiry date if you have multiple packages) will be automatically applied on the payment checkout, so no payment is required. Press the Complete Order button to confirm the appointment.

    An email confirmation will be delivered to your email address.