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Whether your pet is already taking medicine for their heart or not,
here are some simple and natural tips to help keep their heart in top shape.

Natural Remedies
Here are “Special Goodies” without side effects and no bitter taste!

1. Homeopathic Remedies: These are like “cheerleader songs” for your pet’s heart! They help the heart do its job better and stay strong. At AsiaPaws, we use mostly three very specific homeopathic medicines to help our patient’s heart work as smoothly as possible.
2. Schuessler Salts: They are NOT salts (it’s the German translation only) 😊 but helpful minerals that guide your pet’s heart muscles to work better. When pets eat good food, these salts help nutrients get to the right spots, helping the heart stay happy and strong.

Food for a Happy Heart ❤️
What you feed your pet can really help their heart!

• Fresh food is the best, because it’s easy for their body to use and have healthier cells.

• Always try to include a little bit of heart meat (also chicken gizzard) in their food. This helps the heart muscles stay strong. Remember, undercook or feed it raw, because cooking destroys those special building blocks (amino acids) in the foods and make it less helpful.

• If your pet’s heart is enlarged, it might be harder for them to eat big meals. So, divide their daily food into smaller portions.

• Some pets feel better eating from an elevated bowl, especially if they have heart problems. This can help them breathe and eat more easily. This applies to water bowls, too!

Supplements to Boost Your Pet’s Heart! 🌱
1. Herbal Supplements: Choose only those made from real plants to help your pet’s body. Stick to simple, natural stuff and avoid products with stuff you can’t pronounce!

2. Chinese Herbal Medicines: Specific combinations of herbs, roots and fruits are proven to support Qi flow in the heart and chest, generally. Chinese Traditional Medicines should always come in powder form, not as pills to avoid extra added chemicals.

3. Vitamins and Enzymes: Like keys to your pet’s heart cells, they give the heart energy and move nutrients into cells, when the heart is tired. Look for products with just only a few and only essential ingredients, so your pet’s body can absorb and use them easily!

We love our pets so much and we want to make sure their hearts stay strong and healthy – naturally! 💚

All of the mentioned natural remedies and food advice are safe for heart patients who are already on heart medicine. They are also extremely useful as a proactive approach for your pet who doesn’t need heart medication yet. Natural medicine can be a ‘god-send’ to avoid progression of heart problems and so your pet stays healthier and happier, for longer.

For tailored advice to help your furkid live their best life, book your appointment with Dr Susanna HERE