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Today, I’m sending you crisp, joyful greetings from the breathtaking Tyrolean mountains in Austria.

This ‘balik kampung’—a return to my roots—to my small village of Lermoos, nestled a thousand meters above sea level in the heart of the Alps, is where I’m taking a week to reconnect with what truly inspires me.


Inhaling the fresh mountain air and bathing in majestic views, I am reminded of where my journey as a veterinarian began.

Up here in the mountains, I spent my formative years surrounded by animals—
cats, dogs, guinea pigs, sheep, horses, and cows.

It’s this rugged, down-to-earth Alpine environment that nourished and fortified my deep connection with the animal world and with nature.

At the age of 12, I knew that I wanted to be a vet.

My dream was simple: to dedicate my life to helping our furry friends live their best lives, supported by the natural gifts that Mother Nature provides.

My purpose: to help our pets thrive in a way that honors their natural well-being.
My vision: every pet deserves a life filled with health, joy, and vitality, nurtured by holistic practices.


Perhaps, my journey can inspire you, too…

It’s always the ‘why’—the purpose—that fuels and recharges our energy. It’s the ‘why’ that inspires us to give our very best for our beloved furry companions.

When was the last time you reconnected with your own purpose?
What drives you in your life and work?


I aspire to be the best vet I can be for your pets. I want to support all furries on their wellness journey. Although that’s just my calling, we may be on the same page here!

Your pets most intensely feel the love and care you give them when you are full of positive energy. When you have that passion for what you do, aligned with your very own purpose (‘why you do what you do’), our furkids are likely the biggest benefactors.

As I soak in the crisp autumn air and the stunning sunny mountain views, I’m more motivated than ever to return to Malaysia on November 14th, ready to continue helping your furkids lead happy, healthy lives.


Let’s remember to regularly reconnect with our purpose,
for ourselves and for the ones we love most.
See you soon, and I look forward to supporting your pet’s well-being upon my return!

With love and mountain-inspired energy,
Dr. Susanna Santhiram-Hofherr